Fire Element (Agni)
The transformational principle; fire converts things into new things. It is form without substance. Fire has the quality of transformation, digestion and assimilation of food, thoughts and ideas. Fire can burn hot and quick, bringing destruction all around it, or it can smolder slow and hidden in the earth and internalized in the body. Fire lights up our drive, charisma, passion, sensuality.
Qualities of the Fire Element
Dosha: Pitta (fire +water)
Sense Organ: Tongue/taste
Gunas: hot, sharp, liquid, oily, penetrating, light
Energetic pathway in hand: ring finger
Bija Mantra: Vam
Chakra: 3rd - Manipura
Physical Qualities: Blood, muscles, skin luster, eyes, digestive system (agni), movement, transport of nutrients to tissues . In ayurveda pitta is connected to the belly/solar plexus and digestion. In Chinese medicine and Tantra fire is connected to the heart.
Energetic Qualities: Passion, creativity, drive, ambition, transformation of thoughts, foods, emotions and ideas, intellect, anger, resentment, jealousy
Signs of a weak Fire Element:
Feeling unfocused and indecisive
Feeling a lack of motivation and inspiration.
Weak digestion and stomach pain, slow digestion, constipation.
Excessive mucus and congestion, that won't seem to dry up.
Feeling cold, rough, heavy and damp.
Self Care Practices
To increase deficient fire element
Eat foods that support healthy digestion
Trataka (candle gazing)
Exercise/sweat (physically build heat in the body)
Find passions
Dance to connect to heart and belly
Pranayama to connect head and heart
To decrease excessive fire element
Cool, cleanse and calm down
Avoid excessive sun, spicy foods, alcohol, nightshades, sugar, exercise
Abhyanga with cooling oils
Eat cooling foods
Increase hydration
Focus on long exhales thru the nose, sitali/sitakari pranayama
Reduce tasks, say no more, take on less
Rest eyes with Trataka (candle gazing)
Stay away from excessive technology and communication