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Lunar Sadhana: Restorative yoga, chants, pranayama, self care, recipes and inspiration for each lunar cycle


2021: I’ve seen your lofty goals: your hopeful astrology, your get better abs faster ads, hexing the patriarchy, healing ancestral trauma, becoming a more conscious and inspired present human, saving the planet, making up for all the travel and work you missed in 2020 and of course co- creating community-led experiences in the age of Aquarius. 

 Personally, In 2021, I want a NAP. I literally feel tired seeing all these goals and I am overwhelmed with the need to recover from 2020. It is time for more RESTORATIVE yoga in community from the comfort of your living room floor inspired by Vedic and Tantric wisdom.

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The full moon tends also to be a time of lunacy and challenging energy on the physical and astral planes. In many traditions, yogis rest from physical practice on these days. Lunar energy affects the mind, the tides, our sleep, the medicinal qualities of plants and the amount of fluids in our body. It is a powerful time to end things, to release, to harvest and let go. The new moon tends to be a time of creative process, new ideas, the beginning of a cycle. Acknowledging the cycles of the moon helps us connect more deeply to the rhyme of the natural world and attune ourselves with her. 

From the inspiration of Yoga, Ayurveda and naps I present to you Lunar Sadhana, which will focus on more rest, restoring ojas, achara rasayana (mental hygiene), and creative, contemplative practices that harmonize our beings with the lunar cycles.

🌑 Lunar Sadhana includes: 🌕

🌕12 Full moon restorative yoga practices with video for later use

🌙12 New moon inspirational writings and with contemplations, recipes, self care practices

🌒Monthly recorded meditations and chants for each lunar cycle to daily practice 

🌚Online Connection with each other

🌘Delivered to your inbox 📨 

🌔10% off all Ayurvedic consults, cleanses and workshops with me in 2021

2021 Full Moon Dates

We will meet each month on Zoom on the Full Moon, normally from 6-7:30pm PDT for our restorative practice. 

January 28, February 27, March 28, April 26, May 26, June 24, July 23, August 22, September 20, October 24, November 18, December 18

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 664 728 635
Password: nadigirl

Investment: Single drop in class with month access: $20 (you will receive the monthly login and class info upon registration)

October 2

Fall Cleanse 2021

February 19

Pop Up Class